What is the Accessibility Canada Act (ACA)? How to make your organization's website ready to ensure digital compliance?

What is the Accessibility Canada Act (ACA)? How to make your organization's website ready to ensure digital compliance?

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
Oct 18, 23
Oct 18, 23
Accessibility Canada Act

Integrating web accessibility policy into all processes of federal, public, 和私人组织,以便每个人都能毫无障碍地执行它们是加拿大和各省政府的主要目标. To achieve this goal, 所有加拿大联邦组织都应该遵守ACA(加拿大无障碍法案). The ACA came into action on July 11, 2019, and all federal agencies need to conform to the standards as soon as possible.

您应该知道,加拿大针对不同的组织有不同的无障碍法律. All public and private sector businesses ought to follow AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act) however, federal agencies comply with ACA. This act is applying to whole geographic areas of Canada. However, when it comes to businesses and industries, the ACA only impacts the facets that come under federal jurisdiction. For example, all government organizations including the Canadian armed forces, federally funded and regulated sectors including banking, 以及被称为国有企业的国有企业(主要由政府所有,但作为私人组织运作的公司).

Requirements of Accessibility Canada Act!

创建ACA的主要目的是将《pg电子竞技》和《pg电子竞技》与数字无障碍结合起来. 该法案的重点是一个明确的愿景,即在明年1月1日之前建立一个无障碍的加拿大,为残疾人提供帮助, 2040.

To eliminate all the barriers from available information and technology, 加拿大网站和应用程序必须符合WCAG AA级标准. 这是ACA的关键支柱之一,即无论身体能力如何,每个人的数字体验都必须相似.

工作场所需要为所有员工提供可访问的资源和平等的机会. 每当组织从第三方供应商处获取数字工具或内容时, it should be accessible. All other digital services such as kiosks, payment machines, etc. expected to have easily accessible content/software.

组织需要实现其网站的可访问性,并在不同的截止日期发布其可访问性计划. The deadline for federal agencies was December 31, 2022, 员工人数在100人以上的大企业预计将在6月1日之前遵守这一规定, 2023, 雇员10至99人的小型企业将在6月1日之前实现无障碍, 2024.

Whenever a website gets updated, its new accessibility plan, progress report, 及其反馈过程的描述必须送达无障碍专员. 培训无障碍人员是实施和维护网站无障碍的必要条件.

Read Section 5 of the ACA as well to know more about ACA requirements.

Essential steps to be taken to meet ACA requirements!

  • Latest WCAG updates

    符合ACA规定的最简单方法之一,是紧跟WCAG的所有最新指引,并相应地更新和维护你的网站. 更新后的网站紧跟现代科技,为不同的用户提供服务.

  • Begin the accessibility work

    The earliest you will start accessibility implementation, the lesser chances of inaccessibility consequences.

  • Testing is a must

    使用自动化工具和手动工具测试网站,以确保所有主要障碍都已消除. 识别颜色对比差、缺少所有文本、标题和其他常见错误.

  • Accessibility statement

    Publishing an accessibility statement is crucial.

  • 从目标受众(包括残疾人)那里获取持续的反馈

    定期与你的用户交谈,了解他们的痛点,并结合他们的反馈,最终会改善网站的体验. It also improves your rapport with the target users.

  • Use of assistive technology

    在发布或更新网站内容之前,一定要测试辅助技术. 在测试辅助技术时,您将了解用户可能遇到的问题. 使用这些见解,您可以构思适当的解决方案来缓解现有问题.

What are the consequences of not adhering to the ACA?

加拿大无障碍标准开发组织(CASDO)由各种人士领导,主要是残疾人,他们为加拿大制定无障碍标准. 该小组以一种适当定义的方式工作,通过评估问题来检查问题,以了解有多少联邦机构遵守了标准. Failing to conform with the ACA leads to fines and various penalties.

The inspection for non-compliance includes scrutinizing different websites, taking actions against violation accusations, audits of websites that are suspects of accessibility violations, releasing notices of violation, and applying penalties on organizations. 违例罚款各不相同,每宗违例最高可罚款25万元.

Wrapping up

Though it is difficult to claim 100% compliance, 但是,通过遵循建议的指导方针,可以实现最大的可访问性. 无障碍的原因是缺乏对无障碍标准的认识,没有持续更新网站的内容和其他元素. 组织必须记住,维护网站的可访问性是一个持续的过程.

Also, 每个组织应每两年提交一份无障碍报告,其中包含WCAG的一致性水平和其他细节. 它显示了组织对数字可访问性的承诺,并在用户中产生了信任.

Skynet Technologies is proud W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and IAAP (International Association of Accessibility Professionals) member 并成为全球无障碍社区的一部分,以跟上合规指导方针的步伐.

The businesses, large enterprises, Federal and state governments, 正在考虑用ADA WCAG 2全面修复网站的教育机构和大学.1/2.2 compliance; we provide full website accessibility remediation solution including audit, consulting, remediation, regular maintenance, monitoring, training, and support.

如果你正在寻找企业或自定义的网页可访问性解决方案,要求一个免费的 ADA website accessibility remediation quote or email us at hello@quanluo.net.
